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Plastic Fishing 

Plastic fishing 

A small group of parents and staff from Canary Wharf College came together to find ways that we could enhance the school and raise money for outdoor activities.

One person said “how about building a boat, to use to clean our docks”.


This was the birth of the idea. We used a safety vessel, kindly lent to us by the DSWC, and took out our own children to trail the idea.  We set off on a cold, wet February weekend in the search for plastic rubbish and treasure! 

This was the beginning of Poly-Mer the worlds First Recycled Plastic Boat 

The Launch Day 

The launch of Poly-Mer was an amazing day, with so many different people coming together. We turned up at the DSWC at 0700 to the sun rising over the dock.

After speeches, Poly-Mer was named and took her first trips.


I am are proud to be involved with Poly-Mer and look forward to her giving joy and slowly changing our attitude to plastic whilst taking people on the London Docks. 

And the Plastic Fishing Continues 

More boats have been built and we have them all over the UK educating and making the UK a better place thanks to the team at Canary Wharf College and Hubbub Charity, contact them to book your trip NOW. 

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