RYA Day Skipper Theory Course
The Day Skipper theory course is invaluable to those who want to start making decisions on board.
A comprehensive introduction to chartwork navigation meteorology and the basics of seamanship. Invaluable for learning how to start making decisions on board and if you are considering taking the Day Skipper practical course.
The syllabus covers the most comprehensive introduction to chart work, navigation, meteorology, and basic seamanship. This is a perfect follow up from the RYA Essential Navigation course.
You will obtain the theoretical knowledge required to skipper a small craft safely by day in familiar tidal waters.
This course is a positive step towards obtaining your RYA Day Skipper practical qualification and eventually the prestigious RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore.
You will cover ALL the theory you need for the RYA Day Skipper Theory Course.
This course covers:
Coastal Navigation and Pilotage
Electronic Charts
Position Fixing
Plotting a course to steer
Weather Forecasting and Meteorology
Collision Regulations
And a lot lot more!
More Information
Required Experience: None (RYA Essential Navigation course would be an advantage)
Minimum Duration: 40 Hours plus exams
Minimum Age: None
Price Includes:
Course Material
RYA Chart Pack
RYA Navigation table