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RYA Radar Course 

Ships Simulator London 

We are using a ships simulator in central London for RYA Radar Courses as well as ships simulator sessions, this simulator has fully functioning Radar, ECTIS, and Bridge Display over three screens. 


This is an amazing opportunity for you to experience a ships simulator.

How to set up your Radar Set.

Paul explains how to set up your radar set including the Gain, Brightness, Sea and Rain Clutter. He also explains Head Up Display and North Up Displays. 

Bearings and Range

How to measure a distance off with the Variable Range Marker VRM, use this for plotting a distance off fix. We also explore using the Electronic Bearing Line EBL for fixes and measuring bearings. We look at how the Radar measures bearings and ranges and pulse repetition frequency. We look at how the pulse length, interval and frequency change as you move up and down ranges and why this happens.

Radar and IRPCS

We look at what we need to do with targets on the screen, use an EBL plot and work out the CPA and the TCPA, we also work out how the calculate the other vessels Course and speed. We then relate this to the ARPA function on the screen.

Radar Target plotting a target on the screen onto a plotting sheet.

We plot a target on the screen using the VRM and the EBL, we then plot this onto a plotting sheet to work out the CPA, TCPA and the vessels course and speed.

Stationary Buoys and Ships 

We look at what the characteristics of passing a stationary vessel or buoy and what this looks like on our Radar Screen, we then look at a moving vessel and look at relative motion and how we can use the information from a stationary object to determine the course, speed, Closest Point of Approach CPA and the Time of the Closest Point of Approach TCPA of the target.

Radar and Rule 19 

Rule 19 - conduct of vessels when not in sight of one another when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. We look at the rule, talk about safe speed, how to determine if a close quarters situation is developing and/or a risk of collision exists and what to do is this is the case. 

Parallel Indexing 

Parallel Indexing, we look at the pitfalls, how this is done and with the Radar and the huge benifits of using parallel indexing. 

Sum up and conclusion, why come to a City Sailing Radar Course

We sum up the course, why the Radar is such an important part of the electronics on your vessel as it is stand alone and does not rely on external providers. 

If you charter a vessel with a radar you will need to know how to use it for navigation and collision avoidance.

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