RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Online Theory Course
The ultimate backup is a sextant, accurate timepiece, nautical almanac and a set of, what are known as "sight reduction tables".
However whilst the process of translating a sextant sight into a position line is straightforward it is quite challenging to get to grips with.
Unlike classroom training, where time is limited and students progress at different rates, online learning allows you to participate in lessons as many times as you wish. rewind and replay.
You can also repeat exercises and, if you struggle to get to the correct answer, we'll guide you through step-by-step.
On the course we will cover.
The earth and the celestial sphere - the basics
The sextant - how to set up and use your sextant
Measurement of time - how time is measured
Noon Latitude Positions - how it all started
Sun, star and other sights - how we did it when we have accurate time
Compass checking - using the sun
Great circle sailing - the best way to get there
Meteorology - choosing the best time and weather for your passage
Passage planning - putting your ocean passage together
Communications - keeping in touch and getting weather information
At the end of the course, you'll be set an exam and, if you pass, we'll issue you with an RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean course completion certificate.